Ok, even the clerk at Walmart asked me how I did this... :)
Eight Johnson's Buddies Soaps at .94 each
Two Zantac 150s at $4.23 each
Two Gold Bond Ultras at .97 each
Two Kotex at $1 each
One V8 Fusion at $2.98
One Juicy Juice at $2.67
Four Post It Page Markers at $1.24 each
Coupons Used
Three $2 off two
Johnsons BuddiesTwo $1 off
Johnsons product
Two $5 off
ZantacTwo $1 off
Gold Bond lotionTwo $1 off
KotexOne $2 off
V8 FusionOne .75 off
Juicy JuiceTwo $3 off two
PostIt productsTotal OOP - $1.27 for $30.53 worth of merchandise!!!!!
That is great! Did your cashier have a reaction? I have some of those post it coupons, but I can't find any post its that are priced that low.
The cashier was definitely shocked. Even took down my blog address! :) Those Post Its are $1.24 each at Walmart right now.
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